Unlock wholesale discounts to help you drive revenue.


Installation and Product Support for industry pros by industry pros.


Discounted replacement parts to help you get the job done right.

Certified Dealers and Partners

  • Licensed auto dealers
  • Used auto dealers
  • Registered resale businesses
  • Registered aftermarket modification shops 
  • Vinyl wrap shops/Installers
  • PPF/Tint shops/installers
  • Off-road shops, etc.
  • Business Insurance required – General Liability Coverage
  • Valid reseller permit required for Tax Exemptions
  • Must be in good standing with Rumble Wraps. This includes but is not limited to the following conditions:
    • Zero chargeback or fraud claim history on your purchases with us. Rumble Wraps has a zero tolerance policy. The first incidence of a chargeback occurring from fraudulent claims on your behalf will result in revocation of wholesale agreement and may result in civil penalties.
    • Zero tolerance policy on copying, reproducing, rebranding, or re-selling our items online for profit. This will result in immediate revocation of your account and will result in civil action.
    • Negative press, negative social media presence, or any otherwise questionable ethics that are exposed on social media or news outlets may result in revocation of our wholesale agreement. In short, we only want to do business with reputable people. If we find out you aren’t one, we won’t do business with you. 
    • Recurring negative feedback from customers; if we find a pattern of dissatisfied customers relating to your service or installation of our products, a case will be opened to examine the details and we may remove our wholesale agreement at any time if we deem that you are no longer capable of representing our company in a professional manner. 
    • You must be respectful at all times to any and all team members of Rumble Wraps. Being disrespectful may result in revocation of our wholesale agreement. Again, not to beat a dead horse, but we only do business with reputable installers that we like. If that’s not you, we don’t want you. 
    • Any criminal activity on your part may result in revocation of our wholesale agreement. 
  • Must not have excessive negative feedback/reviews on google, facebook, yelp, etc. i.e. must be a reputable trustworthy business that can facilitate installation for our mutual customers
  • All wholesale accounts can be reviewed and/or terminated at our discretion.
  • One time $100 Application fee. $15 annual membership. Covers processing of application and due diligence for approval process as well as annual review of your current standing.
  • 30% discounts on product (you mark up and make money)
  • Quick and easy installation charges (customer pays you for product and installation)
  • Built-in Insurance: we cover one mistake at 50% discount per order. Second time you pay your wholesale price- we will then recommend a new installer. 5 total Insurance claims in one calendar year will result in your account being reviewed and may result in revocation of your wholesale account. 
  • Early access and exclusive decal kits
  • We do all the expensive marketing, product design, and production. You just upsell and install!
We do the heavy lifting! We have already built the system and we spend the marketing dollars. Now it’s up to you to get our products in front of customers so that you can stack the invoice and drive easy revenue with our proven decal system.

Our products add a ton of value and style while putting easy money into your pocket and making your customers happy!


-Troy D